MIST's Chip Gallery

Here you can find some pictures of different CPUs. Klick on the thumbnaild for the whole pictures!

If anyone has other pictures of CPUs, please contact me. I am planning to include my pictures of MOS 8502/7500, MOS/CSG4510, i386SX and Motorola 68000 myself.

65xx CPUs

Zilog Z80

The x86 series

65xx CPUs

MOS 6502, a classical 8-bit CPU. It was used in many different systems, the Apple II, the Commodore PETs and the VIC20, for instance, but also in Commodore disk drives. This picture was taken from a Commodore 1571 disk drive.

MOS 6510 is an extended version of the 6502. It has got a built-in 6-bit I/O port, but apart from that, it is identical and fully compatible to the 6502. It was exclusively used in the Commodore C64. In later models, "8500" is printed on it, bit the chip is identical.

WDC 65816 was developed by Western Design Center, nicht by MOS. It is a 16 bit CPU, but it is downwards compatible to 6502. It wa sused in Apple II gs, in Nintendo SNES as well as in both C64 extension cards Flash 8 and SuperCPU. This rectangular version is from a Flash 8.

Zilog Z80

The Z80 is an equally common 8 bit CPU as the MOS 6502. It has gut a more powerful instruction set, but has to run at higher clock frequencies to be as fast as a MOS 6502. It can be found in CP/M systems as well as in Home Computers like the Amstrad CPC, all the Sinclair computers and in older Sega video game consoles.

The x86 series

Der Intel i386 war die erste 32-Bit-CPU der x86-Serie. Wie man im Vergleich zu den Bildern oben sieht, ist der i386 relativ groß, was aber hauptsächlich daran liegt, daß er so viele Pins hat.

Der i387 ist der passende Coprocessor zum i386. Er war der erste Prozessor aus der x86-Serie, der Fließkommazahlen nach dem Standard IEEE 754 verarbeiten konnte.

Der Am386 war das Konkurrenzprodukt von AMD zum i386. Er macht einen unscheinbareren Eindruck, was wohl daran liegt, daß er immer fest eingelötet wurde.

Der Intel Pentium, der bisher größte Sprung in Sachen Leistung, hat die Coprozessoreinheit immer integriert. Er besitzt zwar als erster einen 64-Bit Datenbus, hat jedoch keine 64-Bit-Befehle. Der größere Datenbus dient nur dazu, Programmcode schneller laden zu können.


Computer History and Emulation Homepage
Zilog Z8-Z80 Support Page

(C) Michael Steil, http://www.poboxes.com/michael.steil
last update Mar 22, 1998